Sticks and Stones Debate

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.


  1. I think it means that nothing you can say will hurt my feelings

  2. Yeah I thought of that too, So I agree with you

    1. I agree with both of you (Ela and Izzy)

    2. I think that words will hurt you as much as punches any day.

    3. I agree with you May, I also think that words can hurt just as much as being hit by something hard. Words can hurt just as much.

  3. I agree Ela. People can easily be physically broken but hurting someone's spirit is much harder.

  4. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me. True courage consists in doing what is right, despite the jeers and sneers of our teammates. A response to an insult, implying that "You might be hurt able to hurt me by physical force, but not by insults". As both of those can be very true, more cases than not are caused verbally rather than physically.

  5. I can see where everyone else are coming from but i disagree.

  6. Actually, I would say words can hurt you mentally mostly, but if you shout a word loud enough you can burst someone's ear drum and literally hurt them.

  7. I think if u were "RUDE" enough you might be likely to break someones spirit

  8. I agree with zac and abel but abelis right

  9. I don't think this is a very accurate statement. I know that it's meant to make you feel better, but words can hurt you a lot mentally. btw your comment amused me greatly Abel. But you would have to be VERY loud to burst someone's eardrum. So maybe if you were Oskar...just kidding.

  10. If words can never hurt you then you may not have any feelings. Everyone must react to some kind of verbal abuse, so if words can never hurt you then you must not care.

  11. I disagree because sticks and stones can hurt on a physical level but words can hurt on a mental and emotional level, which often hurts more than physical pain.
    Finn mit

  12. If someone hurts you physically the pain will only last less than 3 weeks, however harsh words linger in the back of your mind for far more than 3 weeks! P.S Very funny Abel

  13. I think even though words are very powerful they can never actually pysically hurt any one only mentally can they hurt someone

  14. i agree with may that this is about the fact that words can hurt you more/as much as physical pain.

  15. I disagree with statement "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" because whilst you can be hurt physically it could be just as bad to hurt by what someone has said. Also I think that it is harder to heal emotional scar from what someone has said than it is to heal a physical one.

  16. I agree, the saying kind of seems opposite to the truth!

    1. But that isn't really the point of the statement because if you say something to yourself that isn't true whats the point of saying it? The point of the statement is to assure yourself that under no circumstances may another one's words stop you having a good time!

  17. I agree with Olivia St. Words will never hurt you but it's so strong that if you say something bad, it will hurt your feelings really hard.

  18. Katie,Ela,Olivia and the other people that agree that words can hurt you

  19. I think that emotional pain can be far worse than physical pain. They are different but they produce the same felling of hurt. The difference is that Words can dig in to anyone and slice there soul like a hot knife through butter, that could heal but it will always leave a scar of some description. If someone snaps a bone that will take time to heal and may leave a mark. What would you rather, a tear in your confidence and soul or temporary pain?

  20. How ever I do think that this statement was meant to teach EVERYONE to face names in life that may hurt but can't physically harm you and in my opinion that can be the difference between the pain and ignoring them

  21. The statement is also teaching people to be confident and strong in who they are and live their life knowing that they are amazing just the way they are unlike the people that call the names. This statement can bring hope to the bullied and that is all that is needed to change the world.

  22. But, words can leave people feeling hurt, upset and angry, which could lead to physical violence.
    Also, your right. Everyone is amasing and they have got to know that - no matter what happens. Yes, it may take some time to heal, but you have got to realise that you can heal if you let yourself. Because if you don't give time to heal, then you'll feel emotionaly scarred! So don't let it sit in the back of your head for the rest of your life - STAND UP!

  23. I don't agree. Sticks and stones can break bones, but words said in hurtful ways can hurt you too.

    1. I don't agree, yes words can hurt you but that is not the point of the statement, it is to assure yourself that under no circumstances may another one's words stop you having a good time!

  24. I agree with Angus, words can hurt more.

  25. I think you can be so rude that you can maybe break someones spirits entirely but it would have to be something so mean and so rude that you would have to send them crying forever nearly and I don't think that's incredibly easy to do
    who agrees ;-)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. But sticks and stones can still break your bones that I agree with

  28. I think it means words can't hurt you physically but sticks and stones can, even though words can hurt you mentally you can always just ignore them.

    1. Maybe it means that while you can't ignore getting your bones broken, you can ignore hurtful words if you try.

  29. I disagree with the initial statement because words can also hurt you quite a lot mentally, but if your talking about physically, there may be a connection because it may change the way you do things if your thinking down about yourself

  30. I disagree because although words can't hurt you physically they can hurt you as bad or worse then physically.

  31. If you are hurt too badly by what someone has said it could lead to self harm or even suicide, so I think in the long run words can hurt you physically.

  32. I agree that sticks and stones may break you're bones but I disagree with words will never hurt me because they can hurt mentilly and if you yell it can bust the ear phisicly

  33. I agree with Emma's statement, emotional scars take much longer to heal than physical ones.
    If ' sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' applies to you, then you don't have feelings. Words can be really hurtful and in a way, you suffer more.

  34. Have you ever realized people might just say bad things about you because they don't like you and want to make you feel bad? Or sometimes they might just want to feel good so they are mean.

  35. Yeah I think you might be right, people sometimes just want to make you feel bad if they are angry Its kind of silly actually.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. For the Bear Grill's Survival Academy, I think that Courage would be the most important, because you need to feel confident when you're doing something, so that you are more aware of the moment, and you are more likely to get it right.
